Thursday, May 24, 2012

Track and Field Day

Yesterday, the Tenth Age boys participated in a number of events at the annual Lower School Track and Field Day.  Thankfully, the rain held off, and we were rewarded with perfect "running weather" instead.  Congratulations to all the boys on their excellent sportsmanship and teamwork.

Lower School students at the Track and Field Day Assembly, 
held prior to the events.

 Mr. Shep gets the crowd ready for the Faculty/Staff Challenge.

Friday, May 18, 2012


On Friday, May 11, the Tenth Agers traveled to Gettysburg.  First, we stopped at the Visitors' Center.  Students participated in a scavenger hunt, which was a great way to navigate through the museum galleries.  We saw countless Civil War artifacts, from rifles and infantry flags to uniforms and card games played by soldiers at their camp sites.  The boys also enjoyed a variety of interactive kiosk stations, along with short films on the causes of the war, each of the three days of the Battle of Gettysburg, and the results of the war.  After lunch, our very knowledgeable tour guide, John, took us on a tour of the battlefield.  Below are some highlights from our tour...

John shares his knowledge of Civil War cannons with the boys.

After learning that these cannons could shoot up to a mile and
a half, the boys decide to take a closer look.

A beautiful view of the battlefield, as seen from Oak Hill.

Little Round Top

 John describes how the Union's strategy unfolded at the Battle 
of Little Round Top.

 The Tenth Agers prepare to recite the Gettysburg Address at 
Soldiers' National Cemetery.

The main event commences!  The students recite the Gettysburg 
Address as Abe Lincoln looks on.

We did it!

Our final stop was, very appropriately, the Maryland Monument.  
What a great day!