Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Meeting Our Seventh Age Buddies

Today we met with our Seventh Age Buddies, Mrs. King's class (7-2), for the first time.  The 10-2 boys were extremely excited to be paired up with a member of 7-2.  Following an insightful discussion about Calvert's four character pillars (honor, respect, compassion, responsibility), the boys brainstormed key words and examples that connect to each of these traits.  We will continue this project during our next visit with Mrs. King's class.  Throughout the year, we will work on a variety of character lessons and other activities with our Seventh Age Buddies.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Very Purple Friday

The boys make their best "silly faces" while dressed in Ravens garb.

The 10-2 boys completed an exciting second week of school.  They had their first Tenth Age homework sheet and spelling test, worked on a map of North America, and continued reading and discussing tall tales, such as Pecos Bill.  In history, our studies focused on the land bridge and other theories about how the first peoples arrived in the Americas.  The boys posed many insightful questions about this topic, which they will continue to explore.  In math, we compared and ordered large numbers (up to the millions place).  As a related activity, the boys took a look at the total attendance for several NFL teams during the 2011 season.  They discovered that the Dallas Cowboys drew the most fans last year (1,258,971), while the Ravens finished with 1,083,902.  The highlight of the week was a "Purple Friday" dress down day to commemorate the Ravens' opening game.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome to 10-2!

We partnered with 10-1 and learned interesting facts about our classmates.

The boys certainly enjoyed recess on the new playground!

The 10-2 boys were busy during their first few days of school.  We focused on getting acclimated to our classroom and learning new routines.  The boys were introduced to 10-2 classroom jobs, worked on organizing their homework binders, and set individual goals for the upcoming year.  We attended two assemblies, became "sentence detectives" in grammar, explored math games on the ipads, and started our American Tall Tales unit in reading.  There was also time to try out the new Lower School playground, participate in a "scavenger hunt" with Mr. Mascuch's class (10-1), and share our summer mementos.  These discussions sparked many stories about a variety of exciting summer experiences!